An attorney representing a client with “mild” traumatic brain injury must know the seriousness and far-reaching consequences that are related to this condition.Your attorney must be thoroughly versed in the literature and must be willing to devote the time and attention necessary to properly represent the victim.Your attorney MUST KNOW that a person can have a serious, permanent and disabling brain injury, even though:
- The person is not knocked out at the scene of the accident.
- The person may be walking, talking and even exchanging his driver’s license at the scene of the accident.
- The person did not sustain any cuts, broken bones or major injuries in the accident.
- The person may have a negative MRI, CT Scan or EEG.what_1_mechanism
- The defense doctor, or insurance company doctor, will find that the person is neurologically sound.
- There was not a “big car accident” and that even a low speed crash can exert sufficient force on the brain to cause a brain injury